Sunday, September 2, 2012

Dear Frank,
I really wish you were here & I could talk to you. You'd have the answers I need, and our youngest & I wouldn't feel so effing abandoned & alone. :'( None of this is fair, and feelings are hurt. Yes, I know what YOU wanted... but it doesn't seem to make a difference what your intentions were. I'll never forget, though. I'll make sure nobody forgets. If things don't happen as they should, and people don't do what is RIGHT, I'll be sure to let Franki know when she is old enough to understand EXACTLY how you wanted things done & what you had planned. It's pretty ironic (and disgusting) that EVERYONE who was close to you knows what you wanted... it's all in the paperwork & straight from the mouth of your financial advisor, but because you never saw the letter, because that dumb fuck didn't have the paperwork with him when he met with you, not only will it NOT happen the way you wanted it, your own daughter, your youngest, will be disincluded, too?!?! *SO FUCKING PISSED* So, something to the tune of 20K (or more) is going to go into the hands of one kid now (who is already making FOOLISH and impulsive decisions), and 2 more when they are 18... but not Franki Jade!!!

I love you with all my heart, and I love all our kids & our family, but if they cut Franki out of what was RIGHTFULLY hers, it is pretty much the same as saying she wasn't really your daughter, and if that happens, they can all kiss my ass. And when she asks me when she's older why she never saw them, I'll be sure to tell her... and I'll show her the forms you had filled out, and what you wanted, and how everyone went against it so she'll know it wasn't YOU.

I just want you back. These things wouldn't even be happening if you were still here. I'm thankful for every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year that I had with you, but it just wasn't enough. Franki, Morgan and I are being cast out & forgotten by your family, your friends & anyone who mattered. I hate feeling worthless, and you always made me feel loved and important. </3

Missing You Terribly,

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